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Health services to livestock farmer communities

Animal health management is crucial in ensuring optimal production in livestock husbandry. Diseases can be caused by several factors, including intensive breeding processes,...

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KONEKSI partnership

Our team's collaborative efforts have been recognized with funding from the new flagship "KONEKSI partnership", a knowledge-based collaboration program from DFAT Australia. Our project,...

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Trapping arthropods in the lumpy skin disease outbreak area and community

Since June 2021, there have been massive outbreaks of Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) in Indonesia. Here is the exemplary in Boyolali district, being...

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Ectoparasite of the elephant in the Surakarta Zoo

Lice are ectoparasitic arthropod that feed on the blood of their hosts. They can adapt to a wide range of environments suitable for...

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Mites of small ruminants


Investigation activity of mite's infestation is performed as part of our activity....

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Tick of the wild snake

This is a new record of Amblyomma cordiferum, Neumann, 1899 parasitises Malayaphyton reticulatus of Sumatra Island. We identify herein A. cordiferum from Sumatra Island, Indonesia....

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Vulnerable farmers in dry season: problems and approach for solutions

The drought that impacted Indonesia this year in 2023 due to El Nino phenomenon and had a profound effect on livestock...

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Animal disease control and university curricula

It's truly inspiring to witness the tremendous efforts being made to educate the younger generation on the crucial importance of environmental health and its impact...

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Sumba horse extinction due to the arthropod borne disease outbreak

Sumba (Indonesian: Pulau Sumba) is an island in eastern Indonesia with an extensive savanna. The Sumbanese people make a living by breeding Sandelwood...