KONEKSI partnership

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KONEKSI partnership

Our team's collaborative efforts have been recognized with funding from the new flagship "KONEKSI partnership", a knowledge-based collaboration program from DFAT Australia. Our project, "Enhancing Food Resilience and Strengthening Animal Health Capacity through Comprehensive Assessment of Arthropod-borne Diseases in Changing Climate Scenarios in Indonesia" (project number 1447/CRG/2023/23-UNS), brings together Dr. Penny H. Hamid from Universitas Sebelas Maret, Prof. Abdul Jabbar from The University of Melbourne, Dr. Muhamad Zainal Abidin from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Dr. Abdul Ghafar from The University of Melbourne and Dr April Hari Wardhana from Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional.

Our goal is to leverage the latest technological innovations from The University of Melbourne to detect blood parasitic diseases in Indonesia. We believe that this initiative has the potential to make a significant impact on disease control policies in Boyolali Regency and Surakarta City, Central Java, and beyond. With our passion, expertise, and determination, we are committed to making a positive difference in the lives of people and animals affected by these diseases.