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Dr. Hamid is currently affiliated with Universitas Sebelas Maret in Indonesia as lecturer and researcher. Her area of expertise revolves around animal health in general, with a particular interest in vectors and vector-borne diseases that affect both animals and indirectly to humans. Dr. Hamid is also focused on exploring the interface between ecological niches, climate, and the transboundary spread of arthropods.

Abdul is a Professor of Veterinary Parasitology at the Melbourne Veterinary School, The University of Melbourne, Australia. He studies the epidemiology, diagnosis and control of socioeconomically important parasites of animals, the evolution of parasites of Australian native animals and the drug discovery against gastrointestinal nematodes of animals. Abdul has authored 220 publications, supervised more than 40 research students and received AUD 7 million in research funding.

Megasari Is now affiliated with Hokkaido University, Faculty of Health Science. Her expertise is in multidisciplinary field of One Health, including; veterinary medicine, infectious disease, zoonosis, and Environmental health. Let’s collaborate!

Zainal is affiliated with Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia as lecturer and researcher. He is also head of technology leather, animal by-products and waste laboratory. His research focusing on the application of enzyme for producing valuable biotransformation products. Zainal is also interested on processing of animal waste to anticipate the climate change and related disease effects.

Prof. Dr. Dr. habil., Carlos R. Hermosilla, DipEVPC, EBVS is a Veterinary Specialist in Parasitology in Justus Liebig Universitaet Giessen, Germany. Prof Hermosilla expertise in innate immunity of the host to parasite (host-parasite interaction), parasites of some of marine (whale, dolphins) and protozoan.